Urdu Review, UO - Okara

اردو ریویو

Department of Urdu,University of Okara
ISSN (print): 2959-3956
ISSN (online): 2959-3964

Literature and Ecology:An Interdisciplinary Study

  • Muhammad Irfan Haider/
  • June 30, 2023
Literature and Ecology:An Interdisciplinary Study
ماحولیات، دریدا، ڈیکارٹ، ماحولیاتی تنقید، بین العلومیت، میر انیس

Literature and criticism as discipline of knowledge reflect the omnipresence of life. Historically, the phenomena of unity of knowledge is very old. The industrial needs of modern societies promoted the trend of specialization in various sciences to drive the industry. The classification of sciences as isolated disciplines, instead of assisting in the revelation of reality, made it more obscure. In this situation, the concept of interdisciplinarity emerged with the idea that the sciences are personally related to each other and can support each other in the understanding of facts. Interdisciplinarity insists on the interconnectedness of sciences. In this paper, the interrelationship between literature and environment has been explained based on the philosophical point of view of the unity of knowledge. Examples from Urdu literature are given to explain this connection. Thus, not only the interrelationships between Urdu literature and environment have been revealed, but also the interdisciplinary potential of Urdu literary studies has been revealed.


1.    یوسا، " نوجوان ناول نگار کے نام خط" ، مترجم عمر میمن (کراچی: شہر زاد،2010ء) ، ص 14

2.    Aristotle, Metaphysics, trans. Hugh Tredennick, vol 1, (London: Heingmann, 1947), 3-13.

3.    Descartes, Rene. “Rules for the Direction of mind”. Chapter In The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, trans. Stoothoff and Murdoch, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), 1:7-78

4.    مزید  تفصیل کے لیے دیکھیے:

·       اشفاق سلیم مرزا،فلسفہ کیا ہے (لاہور: فکشن ہاوس، 2014)، ص 68-72                  

·       Steven Nadler, The Oxford handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism,  ed. (New York: Oxford University Press,2019)

5.    ناصر عباس نیر، مابعد جدیدیت:نظری مباحث، (ملتان: بیکن بکس ، 2014)، ص256

6.    H. Dreyfus, P Pabinow, Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutic (New York: Harvester Wheat sheaf, 1982), 160

7.    J. F Lyotard, The Postmodern condition: A Report on Knowledge (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1984), 62

8.    بحوالہ افضال حسین، قاضی، تحریر اساس میں تنقید ( فیصل آباد: مثال پبلشرز، 2011ء)، ص 87

9.    Craig Edward, The Shorter Routledge encyclopaedia of Philosophy, ed. (New York: Routledge, 2005), 174

10.  Joe Moran, Interdisciplinarity (New York: Routledge, 2002), 3

11.  عتیق اللہ، " تنقید اور بین العلومی تنقید"، مشمولہ فکر و نظر، جلد 52، شمارہ 4، (دسمبر 2015ء)، ص 17

12.  Bammer, G. Disciplining Interdisciplinarity: Integration and Implementation Science for researching complex real world problem (Canberra: Australian Nation University Press, 2013), 7

13.  عتیق اللہ ، "عبدالرحمن بجنوری بین العلومی تنقید کے بنیاد گزار"، مشمولہ فکرو نظر، جلد 53،شمارہ 4(دسمبر 2016ء)،ص19

14.  Graff, H. Undisciplining Knowledge (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2015), 214 

15. عتیق اللہ ، "عبدالرحمن بجنوری بین العلومی تنقید کے بنیاد گزار"، مشمولہ فکرو نظر، جلد 53،شمارہ 4(دسمبر 2016ء)،ص19258

16. Clark, Timothy. The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and the Environment (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), 1



Lecturer,Govt.Associate College Raiwind,Lahore


  • irfanhaider1004@gmail.com
  • 03002024514
  • website


Type: Article
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 64aeec6bd0c2b
Pages 1 - 10
Published June 30, 2023


  • 850
  • 124
  • 123


URDU REVIEW,Department of Urdu,University of Okara
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